[b]Time:[/b] 16:00-17:30 June 17, 2008
[b]Reporter:[/b] Claire Jackson
Author Workshops are based on Emeralds experience of working with the editors of over 200 journals and provide insight to help new or potential authors give their papers the best possible chance of acceptance and publication. Aimed at doctoral students or early career researchers, Author Workshops are aimed at helping authors progress successfully through the various stages from pre-submission of the manuscript, to revision and, finally, publication.
Why are Author Workshops important?
- They encourage novice researchers to publish
- They support efforts to bridge the gap between the practical and academic worlds and inform prospective authors from commercial and public sector organizations how to get published, often introducing them to the whole publishing process.
- Ultimately, the aim is "to inspire attendees to believe they could now write a paper based on their research and practice".
The presentation includes:
- What being published means to the author
- The people (editors, their advisors and reviewers, publishers and authors themselves) involved throughout the process
advice for authors on preparing and submitting articles
- The review process in detail
- How to get involved with your publisher.